National geospatial data fund


Currently at the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova, a Twinning project financed by the EU is being implemented in the Republic of Moldova. It is a two-year project launched on October 27, 2014. The goal of the EU assistance provided through the project is to accelerate the development of the Information Society services in the Republic of Moldova. This initiative is in direct relation with the E-Governance programme and in this respect European funds are provided for ensuring the implementation of the action plan of the project. 

The project aims to step up the work with the development of the information society services in the Republic of Moldova. The project is providing support to the Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre to establish NSDI (National Spatial Data Infrastructure) in their role as a national coordinator and manager of the activities related to the establishment of NSDI NSDI in the Republic of Moldova should be designed to ensure that spatial data are stored, made available and maintained at the most appropriate level; that is possible to combine spatial data from different sources i.e. public authorities in the Republic, in a consistent way and share them between several users and applications; that it is possible for spatial data collected at one level of public authority to be shared between other public authorities; that spatial data are made available under condition which do not unduly restrict their extensive use; that it is easy to discover available spatial data, to evaluate their suitability for the purpose and to know the conditions applicable to their use. In order to achieve these goals an active involvement from all relevant public authorities is expected. Thus, the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre is encouraging increased interaction with public authorities, ministries and agencies, in the Republic of Moldova.

The implementation of this project will contribute to improved mapping system in line with the EU standards and best international practices of management of spatial data. This will be achieved in cooperation between the Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre and the EU partners of this project, Swedesurvey, the overseas agency of Lantmäteriet (the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) and State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia. 

Although the Republic of Moldova is not a candidate country for EU accession, the INSPIRE mechanism is considered by the  Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre as an appealing instrument for ensuring sound and cost efficient conditions of management and dissemination of spatial data nationwide. The project is providing support to the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre in their efforts to implement the INSPIRE mechanism.

The project is focusing on the implementation of activities of the project listed in 4 components:

·         Draft Geographic data umbrella law in line with the EU INSPIRE requirements

The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre has established a working group for work on the umbrella law and the strategy on NSDI. The working group includes participants from the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre and many others public authorities, ministries and agencies, in the Republic of Moldova. The law and the strategy on NSDI are two main results expected from this component.

 ·         Demonstration of an effective regional SDI solution with several stakeholders in line with EU best practices

The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre cooperate with several public authorities on establishment of SDI for a pilot area. In the framework of this component it is planned to make data needed for the pilot area available, to conduct training need analysis and to train at least 100 of staff from the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre and the public authorities involved in the establishment of SDI for the pilot area. For establishment of SDI for the pilot area Memorandum of Understanding between the public authorities involved in the establishment is going to be prepared. 

 ·         Demonstration of a local SDI solution with several stakeholders in pilot areas in line with EU best practices

The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre is going to establish cooperation with several local public authorities on establishment of spatial data for base map and 7-8 layers two local pilot areas, one urban and one rural. In the framework of this component it is planned to make data needed for base map and 7-8 LIS-layers available for the pilot areas. For establishment of SDI for the pilot areas Memorandum of Understanding between the public authorities involved in the establishment is going to be prepared. 

 ·         Demonstration of Networks services in the field of data sharing under the responsibility of the ALRC

The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre is coordinating and managing the activities related to the establishment of NSDI. The project is supporting the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre in strengthening of their current institutional positioning. The project will assist the Agency to prepare National SDI network services adapted to the EU-INSPIRE Directive.